Budapest was the biggest venue of the tour and also the one I worried the most about, for good reasons.. We had a great audience standing behind a seated area in front of the stage, creating a difficult way to communicate with the fans.. For the audience further away, we had to use video screens on the sides for close ups for the first time and Thomas tried his best to get decent shots in spite of a light not designed for cameras. We also had a notable delay between the sound and the video, a bit disturbing for the sync on keyboards or percussions.
The previous day, walking in the streets of Budapest, in a small pedestrian area, I stumbled upon a hungarian musician playing a quite extraordinary instrument looking like a flying saucer. I spent some time listening to the quite unusual music he was doing and I asked him to join our band on stage the following day to play along on Variation 1. The result in the concert was probably the best moment of the show. His name is Norbert Pavel and his instrument is named a "Hang".
Prague yesterday night was probably the best gig of the last 2 weeks. Even though the venue was again very big, with around 10 000 people, the audience was amazing and came down to the front of the stage. The sound and the screens were really good this time, I had no problems with the instruments and we delivered a great energy. Playing in the Czech Republic, having been so well received in the much darker times of Tchekoslovakia, means a lot to me. After the gig everybody was quite excited which is good to end the first part of the tour. Next step Moscow on monday.
Thank you all, I have been really moved by all your messages in the blog..

(posted on a mobile phone)
18 commentaires:
I'll remember to play a strange instrument on the street next time you are in Copenhagen :)
I'm crying with laughter at the 'backup' with GOOD reason. At a recent Intelligentsia gig in London, there was a power cut for about 2 hours. If only I'd packed an assortment of truly analogue instruments we could've at least improvised a little... instead, we at in candlelight surrounded by friends and wondering when the lights would come back on again.
I just want to say that I was absolutely impressed by the concert I saw in Bucarest (music, quality of sound). I waited 20 years to see Jean Michel Jarre playing LIVE in Bucarest. I desperately hope to have the chance to see him in a live concert in Romania somwewhere in open air in 2009.
Hello Jean-Michel,
I am still deeply impressed after your Budapest concert, but some of us (not me, as i was seated on the tribune) was very upset seeing the chairs right before the so-called "extra standing places". Please confirm that neither you, nor your management wanted it to be so.
We are waiting you back next year... :)
I read your posts and the comments and i feel healthy envy... i follow you for many years but im so far away from your concerts. Im happy for the things are going in the right way now and you are enjoying all this experiences.
If i may suggest, you really could "strike" the fans if you play some from Equinoxe at the end of the Tour. With the same instruments and equiment, making this "exception" will put a "gold brooch" for this great milestone in your career.
Best regards and hoping to see you around here soon.
"Using the force in Prague"
This picture was shot in Budapest.
Wow... closer and closer to Warsaw... :D
I've been to concert in Prague and it was really great event. I'm glad everything went okay (I didn't mind delayed video much) and I was amazed by those machines as you called them "old ladies". But have I seen Roland Handsonic there? Must be "arrogant brat" among them :) Anyhow, I wish everything will serve well for long long time.
The idea with the mirror was just great. In some moment, when stage lights were dimmed it was possible to see only indicators and reading lamps of instruments and it looked like watching some spaceship's control board. And at the end, when mirror was down, I suddenly realize we (public) share same view as you guys see us from stage. This added so much to "unity feeling" that music can set up.
Regarding Czechoslovakia, I'd like to point out to other readers there is symphonic version of selected works performed by City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra -
Wish you all the best for your fantastic tour. -- Kamil.
Whether it will be possible to photograph at a concert in Moscow? If it's not possible, could you resolve it?
It was so great and everything was in harmony. Jean Michel, I want to thank you for your Oxygen experience in Prague, it was pleasure to met you with your legendary gear. But please, really come back soon as possible, we are trully missing you.
Thank you Jean Michel for bringing Oxygene to Prague. This album is like bible for the electronic music and as you said during the concert its qualities and values remains the same today.
It was great to see you enjoy your music with such passion and energy.
The Moog solo was incredible!!! Old ladies were in the good mood so I think you delivered us the best you could.
I have to say the arrangement and visuals suit to this show perfectly... and the mirror is awesome. Just the screens on the sides were a bit disturbing.
I also have to thank the other guys with you on stage Francis, Claude and talented dancer Dominic :-)))
Have fun on the rest of your tour and see you in Bratislava.
Your devoted fan :-)
thanks a lot for the concert in Prague, it was a great show from your side. But, the sound in the 02 Arena was a different story ... i was sitting across the podium, in the middle. The basses were overdone, the highs were screeching and i think the output was really, really high. If the volume could be a little bit lower, the result could be much, much better. I am sure it was not your fault, heard that the 02 Arena is not concert-friendly ... Anyway, thanks a lot once again. I have seen you here at Sports Hall in 1997 and it was a BLAST !!!! Keep up the great work ... Now it is time to put Live in your living room DVD into my player ....
Jakub, Prague
Too bad you are not coming to Finland, I've really hoped you would play here this time. Well, maybe some day..
What a great evening. I was present at the Prague concert and I have was deeply impressed and touched. I have been listening to Your wonderful art since I was 10 when I stumbled across Concerts in China record which my father bought. The Oxygene 13 performance at the end with all the people close to the stage was unforgettable.
Keep doing what you are doing , you make the world a better place.
My best regards
Dear Jean Michel Jarre,
I will always remember the concert in Budapest, where my innermost dream come true. It was intimate, touching, it was so close to heart and bringing instant tears. Thank you for this perfect moment! Thank you for making me believe there are miracles on this earth that we can make so possible!
Sofia, Bulgaria
Dear Jean Michel,
The Budapest concert was good unbelievably. I was glad so much when you appeared between the sectors suddenly and dot you stopped beside me. That moment was an enormous experience for me and the concert.:) I am sorry for it only that I was not top notch on his end having one's photo taken with you though very much would have been good, but that day was one of the happiest day of my life discounting this. I hope for it you come again onto Budapest next year as you promised it.:)
Kiss: Kitti
Kerepes, Hungary
Dear Jean Michel,
I just came across your blog. I didn't even think about that you are writing a blog. :-) The concert in Budapest was amazing, but I've noticed that the "old ladies" - as you call your instruments - weren't always obeying you.
I'd like to ask you for permission to publish Variation 1 (with Norbert) from the Budapest concert on YouTube.
I'm looking forward to see you again in Budapest in 2009 :-)
Cher Jean Michel!
Je voudrais te remercier le cadeau
magnifique de ton concert á Budapest:)
Entender personellement tes melodies magnifiques,c'est le plus
grande sentiment de ma vie:Harmoni
entre ton atmosphére et ta musique
attendre jusqu'á mon coeur et je dois pleurer.
L'oxy13 cause toujour les grands
sentiments á moi.Pour moi tu est
l'angel et je t'aime beaucoup:)
Nous avons attendés ton concert avec mes copins d'internet.Ton nom
entre nous simplement:le "Maitre"
Depuis queleque jour ton nom:Dr Maitre..:)
Malheureusement l'organisation du
concert était fable et peut-etre
vous aves des informations, que les persons de"front of stage" ont
élés isolés avec un cordon:(
je m'excuse de toi de la citation,
mais j'ai mai beaucoup,que tu n'as
pas voulu renconter de tes enthousiastes:(
En terminant le concert,nous avons
attendés/10persons/de toi devans le Sportaréna jusqu'á 01h30 de nuit. Tu as sorti et nous avons restés dans le frois:(
Nous sommes trompés,parce que nous
avons volontés voir et toucher toi,demander les autogrammes et faire les photos.
"Jai imaginé souvent de te voir en vie"
Nous avons attendés 11 ans pour ce moment.
Cher Francis est venu chez nous et
il étes tres gentil. Il a esseyé
parler de toi, mais ton coeur a resté froid:(
Le petit"fan"groupe était tres malheureus, surtout en voiyant ton
gentil rencontre de tes enthousiastes en Russie..
J'ai pleuré en marchant á la maison:(
Je m'excuse des plaintes et nous
esperons, que l'été prochain tu vas venir chez nous, comme to as nous promis:)
Nous t'aimons beaucoup et je t'aime beaucop aussi.
Gros bisos de l'Hongrie:Magdalena
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