The first Moscow concert has been special. Probably the best one technically and musically speaking and the the audience was the one of a monday night at the Kremlin! Very nice and warm but probably impressed by the place.. I had to explain even more here than anywhere else that the concert had nothing to do with what I have done few years ago outdoor. Then I did a lot of TV shows and interviews. I really like russian people, rational but crazy, subtle and strong, articulate and fun, exuberant and secret.
I am on my way to St. Petersburg under the snow...Aeroflot, my next album
(posted on a mobile phone)
11 commentaires:
I deeply regret missing this concert..My favourite musician of all times performed in my beloved city of sad :(
I hope one day you visit Istanbul for a concert right in the middle of the bridge (technically over the bosphorus and in the middle of Asia and Europe) will definitely be an iconic setting for a concert
"Aeroflot", your next album... or your own airline!
Tonight I'm was watching at again DVD Oxygene in Moscow. You are amazing, sombudy just like a wisard! By good fortune in St.Petersburg from Serbia.
Please, tell us sth else about your new album!!!
Thanks for everything, Jean Michel.
Hello Jean Michel! I’m that old lady (who needs “heating up”) who tried hard to get your signature in Russian University of Chemical Technology. Your bodyguard was so severe that only the third try was successful, even though your pen wouldn’t want to write, but you tried hard and here it is, thank you very much! I enjoyed a lot your concert in Moscow! Come to Russia again, please! Your music has been the best inspiration for me through all my life. I can’t imagine how could I manage all my troubles if there were no music of yours! In case my life becomes hard I listen to your music and it helps me to go on and cope with pain. I have written these words for you on UTube and here.
Thank you for warm words about Russians. Don't forget to come back to Moscow! Again and again!
Bonsoir Jean Michel,
C'est incroyable. Louise m'a appelé et m'a dit: "T'as lu les derniers messages ??? Et c'est quoi
doctor honoris causas..." ? J'ai essayé le mieux possible de lui expliquer ce que cela signifie.Je lui ai dit: Loukie, c'est quelqu'un qui à reçu une récompense pour tout
ce qu'il fait avec sa musique pour
Elle m'a dit: " Papa, j'ai hâte de
le connaître..."
Je lui ai répondu: un jour, je te promets.
Jean Michel, tu es transmis à une
nouvelle petite génération. Maintenant tu es un peu immortel bien
que je n'aime ce mot.
Continue, Jean Michel, Louise, de huit ans, ta plus grande admiratrice, a découvert Oxygène VII. Fais le bonjour à Thomas &
Louis. Ils sont super.
Bien à toi.
Francis & Louise
Aeroflot... it should be your own airline, I agree with jorge joquera ;-) 11 days!
They say that after Your famous concert near The University (Oxygene in Moscow) some of the birds which were nesting on the top of the building (one of the 7 tall buildings of Moscow) never came back... For them Your music was no more then a very frightening noice...
But it was the birds of Moscow...
People of Moscow loved You then and love you now.
One of my friends was on Your concert on Monday. Security personal did not let her to come close to you and to pass you the gift (very funny toy named Cheburashka)... She was crying her eyes out all the way home...
Now this Cheburashka lives with her. She says he's full of Your energy!
And yeah... "AEROflot" sounds just right! :=))))
Dear Jean Michel! By the way, don’t be sad about the fact that no one stood up, danced and jumped at your concert in Moscow. There are very restricted rules of behavior in such places as Kremlin. Moreover we are Russians – very warm and sincerely loving, but serious and ascetic. We use to hide the strongest feelings deep inside our souls, and your music causes very strong feelings, believe me!
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