Friday morning, Serafima the PR from TCI, the local production company, arrived at the hotel with a huge bag of newspapers and magazines, saying that we have terrific reviews everywhere about the concert in Moscow and St. Petersburgh, an excellent way of starting the day.
Then I met Konstantin, the musician who performed "Jarre planet", a tribute around my albums at the Academy of Science last monday. His wife Irina is a soprano, and they are both talented and sweet people. Later on I met the Minister of Culture of Russia and we discussed about some project for next year..
Friday night is everywhere warmer than monday night and it is also true in Moscow where the 2nd concert has been quite different. Even though I got some problems with my flanger pedal on the RMI, I had much more energy and feedback from the audience. People were standing and dancing in the alleys in the end, in spite of the security, which is apparently quite unusual at the Kremlin Theatre.
A lots of people were there, russian musicians, artists, friends, fans....
I met backstage with the US ambassador's wife Jocelyn Beyrle, a very pleasant and nice woman. Her husband John had to go after the concert to meet with Gorbatchev. They have been good friends of Claude for quite a while.. Everybody seemed to enjoy the concert.
Then, invited by Ed, the local promoter trom TCI, we all went for dinner to one of the trendy clubs in town, very eighties.. At one stage in the night someone told me that some guys were at the door of the club with some russian synthesizers they wanted to give me. I thought it was a joke.. Chris and Claude went out to check what was happening and actually they found two very nice guys. So I went and met Rustem and Igor who offered me (all packed!), 1 Polyvox and 1 Allussia, two great vintage analog russian synthesizers.
They told me that, since they were kids, I have been such a source of inspiration that Rustem decided to collect analog synthesizers. I was so excited and really moved by such generous gifts that I decided to go to their place to see their collection the next day (today). This morning Rustem and Igor picked us up at the hotel and we went with Claude to Rustem appt. just outside Moscow.
His place is just great, funky decoration with a large picture of Robert Moog in a golden frame in the corridor and a large room full of extraordinary russian and western analog synthesizers. His wife had prepared delicious cakes with wine and we had real good times listening and talking about all these wonders... They said they could not believe that one day I would visit their place..
We did some photos and I promised to keep the contact. Thank you Rustem (and Igor) for your generosity and dedication..
Then I went with Serafima and Pierre to visit my friend Olga in charge of the modern art museum of photography of Moscow.
She is actually THE specialist of russian photography in Moscow.
She was coming back from New-York were she has an exhibition. She is such a brilliant and excentric character. She was in the middle of the huge gallery introducing her new exhibition about russian rock artist Tsoi, preparing her next one, an extraordinary exhibition about Soljenitsine, being at the same time filmed for a film-documentary and having on top of it, our meeting together..
I needed to see her because I wanted some photos from Rotchenko, the most influential russian photographer of all times and also some informations about russian archives on different topics such as space, cosmos, architecture, technology in the 20th century, fashion, optical and atomic experimentations, etc... As usual, Olga has been great, she gave me a portfolio selected by Rotchenko's family (she is very close to them) and various useful books... We said that we'll meet again in december when she comes to Paris.
I would like to thank Ed, Serafima and everybody at TCI who worked so hard to make this russian week a total success.Claude stays in the loop
Dominique checking the PR
Call me Жан Мишель Жарр
Robert Moog in golden frame
With Rustem (left) and Igor (right)
Russian synth, close-up
Claude carrying the russian synthesizers
Chris and Fiona grooving under the snow...
Fiona, Chris and Ed, dinner party
Dear Janet, Dominique's wife, Claude and Domino, after show en route for dinner.
No joking with bodyguards
With US ambassador's wife Mrs. Jocelyn Beyrle.
Pierre and Fiona in my dressing room after sound check and before discussing future plans with Chris and James.
Claude being searched at the airport
I am in the plane on my way to Riga, besides me, a girl is reading a russian novel on an e-book...
(posted on a mobile phone)
samedi 22 novembre 2008
Encounters in Moscow
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14 commentaires:
Dear Mr. Jarre,
I believe your album Oxygène to be one of the greatest musical achievements of the XX century, which will be associated with the current age in the minds of the future generations.
In 1997, when I was yet a schoolgirl, I attended your show in Moscow with my friends and was amazed by your music and performance.
But for me personally your music has even larger meaning. In 2007 I was participant of Paris-Brest-Paris Randonneur: 1230 km bike marathon, which I made in 88 hours. This was the hardest ordeal of my life. France greeted the marathon’s participants by incessant downpours and cold weather. What helped me to overcome the sleep deprivation and the enormous fatigue and pain, was your music in my iPod.
Mr. Jarre, after I found out about your planned concert in Moscow, I was waiting with impatience to experience once again the feeling of eleven years’ remoteness. I attended your first concert in Moscow on Monday, and loved the intimate atmosphere of being your guest at your home concert.
During that concert you gave an autograph to a girl. Also, you gave them to your fans after your performance in Saint-Petersbourg. So I, with hope and impatience, also decided to test my luck and bought on my last scholarship seven white roses and a parquet ticket to your Friday performance in Moscow. But the luck was not on my side, as the security man did allow me to approach the scene to present the flowers, but did not allow to approach it for second time to ask you for your autograph. With the help of my friend I managed to divert his attention and approach the stage.
During your bows I begged you twice in French (I graduated French magistrature) for your autograph on you Oxygène CD, but you just shook your head
Mr. Jarre, I was hoping so much to hang your Oxygène CD with your signature to a wall in my room..
Monsieur Jarre, si ce n'est pas une très grande perturbation, s'il vous plaît, envoyez-moi un CD avec votre autographe.
Janet Molokova < (at) >
Greetings and thank's from Moscow!
Shows were great, though Kremlin palace sound and light equipment was not as good as synthesizers that you brought with you.
Hope to hear your music next year too, it is simply fantastic!
Hello Mr. Xapp :D Feel free do drop by at my place any time - I don't have synths, but I do bake awesome cakes ;)
I Love You! I've just heard the news :D :D :D :D see you next year!
I went to the concert in Skive, Denmark in April, great show.
Here is my little tribute to the Oxygene album, inspired of the cover on the Oxygene album and the 3D Oxygene video.
Named it 'The Oxygene Sculpture'. ;D
Wow, it would be cool to meet Mr. Jarre on a plane. If I wasn't afraid to get into a plane ;P 7 days!
There is only two words I wish to say to you Jean Michel - THANK YOU !!
... 2009 is looking a lot better now - roll on May ... ;-)( if I can get hold of the tickets, that is .... * big grin *
Dear Jean Michel,
I've just seen the first dates of your 2009 tour (the koncerts in England); we're hoping to see you back in Budapest also /you promised :-) /...! Have a nice time in Riga!
Bonjour Jean Michel,
Thank you so much for the concerts in the UK for next year. I can’t wait. You have made me very happy. Take care and I definitely will be seeing you soon. Roll on May 2009.
Love xxx
Bonjour Monsieur Jean-Michel Jarre,
Je suis très fière de vous et mon papa aussi. Aujourd'hui c'est mon
anniversaire. J'ai huit ans maintenant et je vous envoie un
gros calin. Merci pour tout.
Bonjour, Monsieur Jarre.
Je Vous felecite avec Vos concerts en Russie. Merci beaucoup pour Votre musique. Elle est avec moi depuis mon enfance et c'était un vraiment bonheur d'attender la en concert. Merci encore une foit.
Scriabin a établi dans sa partition une ligne de lumière. Et c'est vraiment compliquée d'imaginer comment ce doit etre réaliser. Je pense que la lampe en "Oxygene" (qui descend) convient a cette idee absolument.
Merci, bon concerts et nouveaux idee artistiques.
P.S. Excusez moi pour mes fautes, malheureusementt j'ai oublier deja mon francais.
Dear Jean Michel!
Thank you and your collegues for your great performance in Saint-Petersburg! I was there and I extremely enjoyed your music and the show!
It seemed to me BKZ "Oktjabrski" was like a spaceport and your music granted me the real space travel...
From now on I dream to hear someday your performance of "Equinoxe" (it's my favourite album :) )
I like very much you style of writing in your blog. It's fun, interesting and very cheerful.
Thank you for your visit in Saint-Petersburg!
By the way, my city is very beautiful in summer! :)
Dear Jean Michel!
I appreciate very much to you, Fiona Commins and Doctor Garik Israyelyan for giving me opportunity to meet with You on November 21 after concert. I don't expect so warm welcome!!!
Now for me You are not only best musician, but at first real man!
Thanks a lot,
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