mercredi 26 mars 2008

Crazy Musicians

Brussels had an eerie effect on the musicians...

14 commentaires:

Audio Coffee Productions a dit…

I adore the latest video... seems that my taking a kazoo to Manchester seems quite tame by comparison :-D

Christophe a dit…
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Christophe a dit…

Hello Jean Michel and crew,

Verry funny video! I saw you and the rest of the team had a lot of fun in Brussels during the soundcheck! Doesn't Francis like the music realy? I enjoyed your concert and it was realy exited for me and a lot of other people there at "Cirque Royal"...

See you soon at another concert or meeting,


Diego a dit…

Very good video, keep going.

From Venezuela...

phil j. a dit…

Hi Jean Michel,

Here's wishing you and the team a great concert tommorrow night (Birmingham). See you there.

Phil J.

phil j. a dit…

Hi Jean Michel,

Here's wishing you and the team a great concert tommorrow night (Birmingham). See you there.

Phil J.

guillermo a dit…

Bonjour Jean-Michel:

Je suis un fan de Barcelone dès Concert Houston 1986 (j´avais très avant oxygene et magnetic fields).
Je suis allé au Théâtre Marigny (fantastic)avec la famille et amis et maintenant je fairai le même au Liceu de Barcelone...
Merci beaucoup pour ton nouveau Oxygène en direct... Je sui très content pour ça. C´est une des choses que j´ai voulu toujours.

Je te fais une question pour moi très importante et que j´aimerais beaucoup tu me rèponds:

Il serait possible un macroconcert de Jean-Michel Jarre à Barcelone avec la SAGRADA FAMILIA?
La Sagrada Familia serait un lieu fantastic et l´impacte visuel et un peu barroc toute illuminée serait merveulleux...

Autre fois, merci beaucoup et à bientôt. J´attend à Barcelone.

JG a dit…

That music is brilliant. How can Francis not like it? :)

Domingos Moreira a dit…

Hello again JMJ,

I'm from Porto-Portugal, and I can't wait to see you at Coliseu do Porto next 27-April.
I couldn't resist to ask you to add my JarreFan Portugal site at your links. The complete address is:

Domingos Moreira

Anonyme a dit…

Its great to see you guys having fun, the tour as you say is a very exhausting project.

Fantastic though. See you sunday Jean-michel.

Christiane a dit…

Hello Jean Michel,

I noticed on that video clip, that you had a lot of fun :-))) By the way.....who plays the tin whistle at the end of the video? I couldn´t recognize really, but it´s funny anyway :-D Thanks for a great concert in Munich, I really enjoyed it. Wishing you and the crew all the best for the rest of the tour.

Veronique a dit…

Funny video! Claude, it is amazing how you sound American when you speak English...I suppose it is because of the time you spent in USA...Anyway, keep enjoying the fantastic are amazing musicians!

jeanbatman a dit…

I didn't know Dominique had such fun while rehearsaling. Keep on the crazy things, we love it !

Choccy a dit…

Very funny!!! Particularily enjoyed the accomplished solo on the Tin Whistle.Giggle!!!
Keep having fun guys.