Yesterday night, I went to a Demolition Party. A crazy idea from two friends: Alex, the owner of Le Royal Monceau Hotel in Paris and Phillipe Starck, the famous designer/ architect.
It was a total surrealistic event « à la Marcel Duchamp ». The Hotel was falling apart and Alex asked Starck to redo it. Then they decided to throw a big party and to allow every guest to destroy walls, doors and more or less everything, with a hammer or any other instrument. At the same time you had art performances in various rooms, mini concerts, DJs and lots of other things. It was overcrowded, mad and quite fun..
Today, I spent some time with Stephanie, my sister, who is a talented scenograph for Theater and TV. We visited Penningen, the Art school where she studied, to watch the projects which every student has to achieve at the end of the fifth year. Some of them were just brilliant.
Then I went back home where I spent the rest of the evening experimenting with the Tenori-on, an fun new instrument from Yamaha.An army of destroyers.
Ara Starck, my son David, me, Philippe Starck and his wife Jasmine.
An exhausted destroyer.
lundi 30 juin 2008
Rebel with a Hammer
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11 commentaires:
Ah ha! I see that you don't worry in Paris!
I would have been surprised if you hadn't been interested by the Tenori-on! I saw it in a french famous mag (about keyboards and home studios... no, no, no trademarks !!!) and I thought to you.
I believe Bjork already use it. But I'm sure you both will do really different things with it.
Personnaly, I prefer my new Virus Polar, my Raven and My Nord Lead ;)
By the way, talking of Virus TI Polar, can you tell us what you think about Joachim Garraud's new project for his solo album. It will be fully customisable by the listener/consumer on his website. Will you do as other DJs an official selection ? I don't share his vision of an album (it would be impossible with your projects) but it won't prevent me to support him (he is always the man who helped you to mix Aero in 5.1 so... ;)
Sorry for the ad about Joachim !
Thinking of your last title "Attack, Decay, Sustain", I noticed that you didn't add "Release".. is it an optimistic view ? It's not over ?
Loïc / Halcyone
Hello Jean-Michel, great blog, i love reading it. It's nice to know you're working on new music right now.
That Tenori-on is a very nice instrument, haven't heard of it before. What do you think about the Reactable? That looks awesome too, something you might use in your shows.
Greetings from Holland
Thanks David for talking us about the Reactable. I didn't know it and I became crazy when I saw the demos, and the live performances. How can it work??
And here is a techno demo of the Tenori-on (maybe not the best):
It's interesting to see how the way of playing an instrument influences the result. But it's hard to liberate of the concepts to create listenable music (I think to the Theremin...)!
Have a good night,
Loïc / Halcyone
I've heard of these "demolition parties" before. They do seem quite fun, but I always some how feel bad when breaking anything, even if it does not matter. I guess it's just because I think about the work put into making it, and have a hard time with anything destroyed by myself. Which isn't often. Still, I would not have turned down such an event. It does look really fun.
Your son really resembles you when you. I'm pretty surprised, actually. Also, seeing the projects must have been really nice. I've seen some from art schools and they are phenomenal.
The Tenori-on is a very interesting instrument. The demo videos of it show a lot of potential. Definitely a new take on music creation.
I must admit that You're right as always when talk about the importance of the idea of trying to "to tell our children how great it can be to get a better understanding of Earth exploring, watching and listening at the Universe."
But you shouldn't forget that you are lucky to be surrounded by a very special kind of people...
Unfortunately a great majority of the population of the Earth can not think further than an evening pint or dose of love (or other drug)...
They are not bothering to think about their own tomorrow... So nothing can make them think about the future of the Earth... $=/
Generally people have ceased to look at the stars and forgot what is such "to read the book"...
So it's almost impossible to make them think about some weird connection between our planet and the Universe if they throw out the rubbish from windows of their cars and houses...
Maybe you can try to reach the mind of their children... But I doubt it... Genetically they are "deaf"... They might hear the "clear message with simple words and remedies message", but a very few of them will actually listen to it...
My opinion "sometimes" :=) is very negative... But I still believe in miracles and I'll be happy to see any positive changing in the general condition of the mind on our Planet.
And I know that even one Person who has such a wonderful smile like Yours can change the world!
Demolition parties is a great idea. I like this people that has this kind of brilliant ideas
I just want to share with you this video.
Jean Michel Jarre in Romania... Never thought I'd hear this! No one in Romania can even dare say "i'm your biggest fan" right now. It's such an overwhelming piece of news that you can only wish the sun doesn't burn its fuel by November 10th (good thing the yellow dwarf still has a few billion years left to go). Thank you!!! I hope Romanian fans make it worth while. I know I'm trying to convert every living soul to real "music," so hopefully, I make a small contribution.
hi jean michel! it's the first time i heard about demolition partys. thank you for sharing a part of your private life with us. Nice to meet your son too.
Greetings from Spain
Salut Jean Michel Je m'appel Jérôme j'ai 18 ans et sur Youtube j'ai trouvé un remix Trance de Souvenir de Chine c'est trop beau.
Merci, j'éspère te voir dans un concert en France j'éspère un géant pour que je puisse au moins voir un concert géant en France ça serait cool.
Allez à plus t'es trop fort. (Marigny le 21 décembre trop beau en plus après le petit bain de foule. A part Tiesto je ne connais pas beaucoup d'artiste aussi proche du public que toi). Je rêve de voir un concert géant en France.
Wow! I found the instrument you were telling us about (Tenori-on)
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