samedi 13 mars 2010


Those who already saw the show know that the new Adagio track is entirely about numbers, demographics and the pressure we impose on natural resources. Those numbers are dizzying. Every week, world population increases by over 1 million. It's hard to realize, that's a new large city every week, 1 million extra people to feed through agriculture, to provide with energy, health care, sanitation.

The slightest quantity becomes impressive when you multiply them by a population. Five little grams of toothpaste every morning seem innocent, yet multiplied by Europe's population, that's 2000 tons of toothpaste that flows to the rivers daily, along with 600,000m3 of urine. 12 billion dollars spent every year on dog and cat food. For every american person to eat a steak every day, that's over 100,000 cows per day. That same day, China consumes 68,000 fully-grown trees in the form of disposable chopsticks.

But there's hope: every single hour in the world, probably over 20 million people are making love, of which about 10,000 "succeed". During this hour, the earth has travelled over 100,000 kilometers in our solar system, at about 30 kilometers per second, and people will have exchanged over 8 billion emails, of which a good proportion is spam, and the rest contains the ideas of tomorrow, love declarations, lawsuits, and my words to all the people who subscribe to this blog via email.

17 commentaires:

Robi a dit…

This is the most interesting post you made Jean Michel ; these are shocking facts and numbers.

...Envisage, express your (new) music with the paradox of Earth-destructive life of our's...yet giving the hope that have by which we can save the beauty of Earth!


Magdalena-Jarrefany a dit…

love you very, very, Jean Michel!
Thank you for the good God, that you're here among us.
God bless you

Heidcast a dit…


Thank you Jean Michel

You are so special...

It's clear,You are the Most Wonderful Man in the World...

This is because I love You...

I love You...


................................... a dit…

Jean Michel,

As always, you are very humanity and you concern about our earth as in 1976 when you create OXYGENE.

Well done Jean Michel!

Your Armenian fans

jawalka a dit…

Dear Jean Michel,

After your concert in Merzuga "Water for life" which I saw some time ago, I began to more economically manage the water in my house.

I think that people like you are needed.I fully support your commitment to the environment.

You had excellent idea to talk about big problems on tour. People after leaving the concert may reflect on the fate of our planet and at the same time not losing a great show.

By the way you new song are great and I look forward to the whole album.

Best wishes and hugs
Kate from Poland

Turid Elisabeth a dit…

Dear Jean Michel

When I listen to YOUR MUSIC..I know for sure it is a COMPOSER behind it ..and that you LOVE to share your MUSIC and THOUGHTS with other people....

When WE have a walk in the NATURE...all the BEAUTY..the seasons..the SKY that change all the time..sunrises and sunsets..all the beautiful creations..the WONDERFUL EARTH...I do believe in a DESIGNER.. GOD
. and God's original purpose for the earth will thus succeed.
I do believe in a fantastic future...and it is so important for us to keep believing...
I am sure the earth was made to be ENJOYED...
And we can for sure ENJOY the LIFE today...with OPTIMISM and HOPE!♥

I love you! :)

..and I love your MUSICAL IDEA !!♥;)

danée73 a dit…

the next step should be a outdoor concert in front of a solarpark. here in spain my ex company builted some. by the way, dont forget spain in the tour. i went extra to oberhausen to see you. oh, and please play my favourite song magneticfields part 4!!!!

LJ.Isis a dit…

Such an inspiring and informative post Jean Michel.
I'm looking forwards to the concert in Paris,
Love and hugs,
Linzi x

Martien van den Akker a dit…

Hi Jean Michel,

I like these kind of thoughts. It sounds much like the "Sale of the Century" as an introduction to the "Digisequencer" track on "Live in Hong Kong".

I see that the Netherlands are not on your current track list. Do you have plans to pay us a visit? And do you plan to come with a DVD of this tour?

I'm looking forward to see and hear more of you.


Thomas a dit…

More accurate data about love rates

On the topic of a green concert, the concert in Vra Enge at Aalborg was mostly powered by wind energy.

Between Worlds a dit…

Dear Jean Michel,

I so pleased that you are bringing this awareness to your concerts. It is time for people to re-think their habits, and break free from following the crowd. We need to heal this planet, to be one with it, and each other.

It is time to show how much we love our mother Earth, and the people within it.

Thank you for your words, and this wake up call.

My best to you

Turid Elisabeth a dit…

Hello again dear Jean Michel ;)

The most BEAUTIFUL MUSIC by YOU that express (as I feel) how wonderful we ALL are CHRONOLOGIE Part 6
...this music really brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart..



Molecular biochemist Michael Behe writes: “Over the past four decades modern biochemistry has uncovered the secrets of the cell. . . . The result of these cumulative efforts to investigate the cell—to investigate life at the molecular level—is a loud, clear, piercing cry of ‘design!’”

Quote:"For the Infinite has sowed His name in the heavens in burning stars, but on earth He has sowed His name in tender flowers.

I am really curious about the new music you talk about!! :)

With LOVE♥

Robi a dit…

Look at this link Jean Michel!

It shows the vary of four parameters (sea level, carbon-dioxid, ice extension, temperature raising) since the industrial revolution or later in the 20th century.

Hulkie a dit…

Someone here is preaching Intelligent Design? Please keep that nonsense off this great blog, I'm offended.

Turid Elisabeth a dit…

Hi 'Hulkie' we all have different view of things around us...and we have to respect one is not meant as is simply my way of thinking and feeling about music,art and life!

If my words bother anyone else..I do believe it will be deleted from this site!

Best wishes

Unknown a dit…

J'ai adoré la musique diffusée avant le Concert a Nice à partir de 18H30...Quelqu'un peut-il me dire les références et comment se la procurer ? Merci

L. Stelea a dit…

Dear Jean-Michel,
Thank you for posting this...

I have a wide range of acquaintances who are trained in sustainable development or ecology. They are unable to find work, or those who work are unable to do much, because there are no, or limited, money.

The economic system that is meant to pay them is fuelled by (goods and services) our wasteful habits.

Something to think about.