samedi 12 juin 2010

A Memorable Night

After Bucharest, I went for 2 days to Beirut to check the site before the July concerts there. Amazing city, I took a lot of pictures (they are on their way..). I shall tell you more about it in July. Then I spent the beginning of the week promoting the concerts in France.

And then yesterday I was in London to receive a life achievement award at the Mojo Music Awards. The ceremony took place at the Brewery and what happened was an absolute surprise for me..

Such a brilliant audience was attending the event.. Jimmy Page, members of Depeche mode, Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Devo,
Florence and the Machine, Anthony and the Johnsons, Blur, Stone Roses, Jarvis Cocker, Roger Daltrey, Emilou Harris, Mark Almond from Softcell.. either receiving or giving an award. At the end of the ceremony, John Foxx from Ultravox presented the
award to me..

I have been so moved by what Phil Alexander, the chief editor of Mojo magazine and John said about my music and my concerts. How new, different and influential it has been until now.. what an honor coming from such brilliant artists and in London!!

John Foxx also had an interesting view, he said that in England, he was feeling that the style of british pop and rock music was initially coming from America. When he listened to Oxygene, he felt that this music was totally european and had nothing to do with the US, and for him it was the signal that something totally different was happening. John is a delightful man and a great artist I always admired and receiving this award from his hands was really special for me.

I was deeply impressed when I came on stage, in front of a such brilliant and warm audience so kind to me. I told them that it means a lot to me coming from MOJO, specially because I have always had a special relationship with England for artistic and personal reasons, and that I feel rather like a beginner, doing my first real world tour in 2010. There are so many things to do out there in so many fields. So I hope to come back in 20 years to receive eventually a life achievement award part 2...

Afterwards I discussed with Jimmy Page, such a nice and friendly man, and Anthony ( from A.& the Johnsons) about our mutual friend Laurie Anderson. She lost her copy of Zoolook and she would like a new one.. I discussed also with Jarvis Cocker, J.J. Brunel from the Stranglers who is from Normandy and speaks fluent french. He said he would come to the concert in Caen in November with his family. Mark Almond is going at the London gig at the O2 arena on the 10/10/10..

And then on the way back to Paris this morning, I met briefly Jude Law, Sienna Miller and their three children, going to Paris as well in the Eurostar, a very nice couple...

19 commentaires:

C-Jay a dit…
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C-Jay a dit…

Excellent stuff jean michel.
You deserve the award....

im sure u will get a part 2 when you are 80 years old, grey, short and wrinkly. :) haha!

Glad u booked the ahoy stadium in rotterdam, holland ...
i saw you there in 1997, now i hope to see you for the second time in that venue..... also saw you in 2008 and 2009 in holland. so 3 years in a row, plus some outdoor shows ive been to. :)

For me, i wait a liiiiiiitle bit more before i buy tickets, cause i allready saw the current show in Amsterdam last year...

Im hoping for a change in the tracks u play, maybe u can do that?
For the die-hard fans who go to more of these 2010 shows, it would be so cool to change some of the older tunes, and add some newer material...

Old stuff is good, but just other tracks? chrono 4 instead of 2, oxygene 7 or 8 instead of....
well, u get the point. :)

Anyhow, thumbs up!
Your doing great work, and im impressed by the list of shows you are doing...

Robi a dit…

You well-deserve this award, Jean Michel, congratulations for that !!!
It may serve as an inspirational event in your career I'm sure!

As for tour, I also hope you will find e.g. Oxygene 7 or Chronologie 4 are deserved to be in setlist. ;-)

Looking forward the new studio album!

Take care, Robi

(Hungarian fansiet, is on the way...slowly...but on the way! ;-)

Unknown a dit…

Congratulations once more! You really deserved it!

patrick a dit…

Thank you for all the beautiful music you created so far and sharing your (tour) impressions on this blog with us. You really deserve the award.
I'm looking forward to the concert in Antwerp and your new work.

Merci, Jean Michel

mathetes1963 a dit…

Congratulations, Jean Michel! I wish the American musical establish would recognize you is similar fashion.

Unknown a dit…

Thanks for keeping the fans posted Jean Michel.

Your Mojo award is very very well deserved! You inspired a lot of musicians and you Oxygene album is a sensation even these days.

I wish you too collecting the next award in 20 years!

See you in Rotterdam 27th november.

Turid Elisabeth a dit…

♥¸.•*´Congratulation to you`*•.¸♥

..and a hug! :)

Nina, Anna Ostasiuk a dit…

My serious congratulations Champ :)
another one Bravo you really deserve :)
many kisses and hugs 4U :)
take care :)
Nina :)

Heidcast a dit…

You deserve much more!
Thank You!

Heidie xo

Jens Pielawa a dit…

Jean Michel, that is a great honour and you absolutely deserve *ANY* award that honours your work. Two of my favourite artists on stage, JMJ and John Foxx, involved to celebrate and to evaluate the magic of Jean Michels music, shows and work - how cool is that!

MOTITA2002 a dit…

Muchas Felicitaciones , espero siga recibiendo muchas satisfacciones por su excelente trabajo.
Un abrazo cariñoso su fans 1.

Marianne a dit…

félicitations jean michel !! mais ce serait sympa de remettre une traduction en français non ???
a bientôt a l'automne pour la suite de la tournée en France

Robi a dit…

How can someone lose a copy of Zoolook ?! :D One of the most important electronic albums ever, we can say that surely!!
Shame... ;-) :)
Just kidding.

danée73 a dit…

dear jean michel, congratulations for this award. I guess you cant wait to act in places like beirut etc. dont forget montreal on your tour!!! and,,,,please please come to to santiago. I already book a flight!

cu soon. daniel

Andy Ford a dit…

Hi Jean Michel, it's good to see that you finally got the recognition that you deserve! Here in the UK we feel that press tends to ignore you, passing you up instead for contemporary trashy pop news that just appeals to the kids.

Well done!

Kind regards,


Robi a dit…

Jean Michel,

is it somehow managable to have echo sound in lead of Equinoxe 5, similarly to original one?

Jolly Beeben a dit…

A much deserved award, recognition of your diversity and pioneering spirit. My hope for your new album is that you realise this and return your focus to what you were born to do - electronic symphonic works of integrity and beauty. It's great that have ventured into contemporary dance music... but ultimately you are a leader not a follower. So I challenge you to lead once again :)

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