vendredi 5 décembre 2008

Finale in Warsaw

The last concert was planned to be in Warsaw, especially because of what happened in Gdansk. I really wanted to share something special with the polish audience and I have not been disappointed.

The Torwar Theater had an ideal size for the production. It was absolutely packed. As I said, usually monday night's gigs are not the most lively, but for the last concert of the tour, the polish audience was like a a saturday night one.

I went on stage from the back of the theater and immediately, I felt it was going to be great. The warmth, the energy, the excitement of being together again was there like in the Docks of Gdansk! I went on stage. Dominique, Claude and Francis were all in good shape and I knew we were going to have a good time. All the crew was focused and I felt that every one wanted to give to me and to everyone in the hall a good show.

And I had a real good time. Oxygene 1 and 2 sounded right and I got the feeling that it will be great until the end... I loved Dominique's bass in Oxygene 4 and Claude and Francis were great in Oxygene 5 and Variation 3. I had a lot of fun with the Moog Liberation solo and I think I delivered one of the best choruses of the tour.. The audience (and us) became really hot during Oxygene 12. Oxygene 13 was a pure moment of shared emotions with the audience.

There is a tradition that for the last concert strange things happen to the artist on stage.. For the Encore, Francis went to Dominque's area and coverd his keyboards with paper, then he disapeared under the Eminent, just when i was supposed to look at him for a cue. While they were playing, Claude and especially Dominique filmed everything with one hand on their mobile phones..

Then at the end, I asked all the crew to come on stage, including accountants, truck drivers... just every one being involved in the tour. It was for me the best way to thank them and tell everybody how much I appreciate the amount of work, talent and dedication they showed. I even went down and left the stage to join the polish audience to applaud all the family...

Truck drivers had real hard times particularly in Russia and on the way to Riga driving all night in the snow through the mountains, so that all the equipment could be ready the next evening for the next show...
The crew after the load-out had to sleep in the bus, and be ready in the morning for the next load-in in another city...etc.
Chris Rowley and James Monkman did really great , organising everything, always cool and relax even with the day-to-day pressure.
Patrick Pelamourgues and Jean Paul took care of all the precious instruments day after day.
The sound team: Alain Courieux, Julien Vouillon, Vincent, Arno, Jean-Claude.. all did great, the sound was amazing with smiles..!
Ignace de Haese, Glen and all the lighting crew were always on the case to deliver a fantastic light.
All the Arpège team and the rest of the team did their best every night to deliver the best possible show.
A special mention to Thomas Alsina who stayed always connected and so helpful in spite of his other activities.
Pierre Garnier for his eye and ears..!
Dear Edith Napias and Michel Geiss for all the reasons they know...
Dear Fiona who managed the all project perfectly as usual with the help of Louis.
And Paul Charles, the secret agent who worked hard behind the curtain...

Thank you all for having contributed to make this tour a success on a human, artistic and business point of view.

Thank you also to all the bloggers / readers on the web, from all over the world, who followed the adventure and for your interesting, fun and clever comments valuable to me.

Thank you particularly to everyone in the audience in the way you have welcome us, for your unique feedback and for your interest in my work.

It is the best reward in my life.


All the crew on stage for a deserved round of applause

The audience in the mirror

It's raining on stage..

Francis playing the synth dialog in Oxygene 12

The Torwar theater's structures

Playing the AKS noise in Oxygene 2

With Piotr, breathing some Oxygene..

I never get enough Oxygene!

Dominique prefers water..

Patrick Pelamourgues, packing up the synthesizers for the last time in the tour

Vincent from the sound team, exhausted but happy

In the audience, applauding the crew

Dominique filming the photographer during Oxygene 4..

Standing audience during the Encore

Oxygene 13 with the mirror down

Last bow

Receiving such energy from the audience

Dominique's familiar silhouette

A great audience

Even the Theremin is impressed..

Dear James Monkman, so kind and so focused

Claude imitating a hedgehog

Focused during sound check

Sound engineer Julien Vouillon celebrating

39 commentaires:

equinoxe a dit…

So... c'est fini :(

It has been wonderful to follow you and your team during this year, again, thanks a lot for sharing. Twenty+ years ago, when I (re)discovered your music, it was sa ort of mythical thing, but now with this contact you had with us it has became a more human thing... I hope you understand.

Will you release a mega DVD+Bluray+CD+photobook pack from this tour?? say yes, please!!!

Again, I *really* hope that you can go to more places during your tour next year (read "latin" America, for instance ;-) )... come on, spicy food sickness can not last 18 years! :-D

Audio Coffee Productions a dit…

And thank you Jean Michel and co for FINALLY bringing us this fantastic album to us all - completely live - complete with all the 'cock ups' that invariably happen along the way!
Now then, a question, if the old analogue synths are 'old ladies' - what are the digital synths?
Whatever though, joyeux noel and looking forward to your return to Manchester in 2009 - and feel free to go nuts!

Unknown a dit…

Hi Jean Michel,
I wanted to be in Warsaw - I bought the tickets in summer! I decided that this would be the first concert for my 9 year-old son! I am the fan of Oxygene, because my parents played it form me from the old big tape. Now my son is the fan, and we listen to the DVD :-)

But unfortunately we got the sore throad, high temperature, and we had to stay at home. I am really sorry, that I couldn't be there. Your music is our family thing! Something that connects generations of the grandparents, parents and children!

Not now, so maybe in the future.
I hope for a new grat album !
Something as good as "Geometry of Love" or "Sessions 2000".

ALL The best in 2009

Unknown a dit…

Hi Jean Michel!
Congratulations for a successful finale of a really really awesome tour. I saw two concerts - the one in Zurich and the one in Ljubljana. Both of them were fantastic in their own ways. I hope you'll keep running with this blog, even if nothing special happens. I'd love to read about what you've bought in a grocery or which movie you watched during a boring evening. This blog means a world to us fans, because it allows us to enter your world, even for a little moment.

Thank you for everything, your music is my life's best friend.


Robi a dit…

Dear Jean Michel,

thank you for pleasure of concerts you brought us, i have been hoping for long time i will hear you one day personally. It was great concert in Budapest you delivered!

Looking forward your next year's work, but Jean Michel, take enough relaxing time. ;-)

/I hope that mask was used only for photos and joke!/

Best regards & Merry Christmas!!

Anonyme a dit…

Merci Jean Michel et ton équipe pour cette tournée.
Ce fut un grand souvenir pour de nombreux fans.

J'ai assisté à trois dates durant cette tournée et j'aurais aimé en faire davantage.
Durant le rappel à Zurich je me suis retrouvé devant la scène les larmes aux yeux.
Je pense que l'émotion m'avait vraiment gagné !

Merci d'avoir partager des souvenirs au travers de ce blog.
Nous éspérons tous avoir un DVD souvenir de cette tournée.

Nous éspèrons vous retrouver en 2009 avec de nouveaux projets, un nouvel album.

Merci pour ces bols d'Oxygène qui ont permis de souffler durant cette période morose.

il est temps pour vous de prendre quelques jours de vacances bien mérités.
Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année à vous.

paolo a dit…

thank You jean Michel for your wonderful tour...I think was one of best artisic success of your life...
And thank you for meet me in Rome...It was a long life dream that come true...
I also hope that will be a DVD of the tour( in mi opinion is not a copy of LIYLR, because the audience and because OXY 12 e 13)...
See you next yeas
Merry XMas to you, Anne and all your familY

Unknown a dit…

Bravo superbe aventure:) On se réjouis de pouvoir vous voir en 2009 pour une nouvelle histoire.

Merci à bientôt.

jawalka a dit…

Hi Jean Michel,
Thank you, thank you thank you!!!!!!
I was in Torwar and the concert was BEAUTIFULL. All Oxygene live :) Thank you especially for Oxy 13. It is my favourite one and when you played it i was standing in front of you, just 2-3 meters from the stage..I was so happy on then that i cried..;) So i want to thank you for it:) This concert was so special for you and also for me :)
I want to thank you also for this blog.. Every single day i check if you shared with yur fans some informations albou your life. I am so happy that here i can tell you about my feelings, and thanks that you do the same :)

I wish you everytking the best :) Hope that your next project will includ Poland too.. :)

Merry Christmas for You too :):):)

Kate from Poland

Игорь Киселёв a dit…

Cher m. Jarre

,Le club des amateurs de la musique électronique "Nouveaux horizons" vous salue au bord de la Neva. Nous sommes très reconnaisantes pour que vous avez mettez la Russie (et notre cité particulièrement) en votre tour. Saint-Petersbourg est un des berceaus de la musique électronique, par ce que c'est ici où le theremin, un instrument unique, a été inventé.Nous sommes heureuses que l'idee de Léon Theremin de la visualisation de la musique se passe dans art d'un bout à l'autre, et un des grands succès c'était le concert à Moscou en 1997.sans doute, une vaste masse du peuple qui ne s'était pas interessé par la musique,sont sous une grande impression jusqu'a maintenant!Nous serons heureuses si vous decidez d'arranger un pareil spectacle ici, à Saint-Petersbourg.Il est convient de noter que 2010 est l'année de la France et de la culture française en Russie, et cette date aussi coincide avec l'anniversaire de Tsarskoe Selo, l'une des plus belles places de Saint-Petersbourg.Cette circonstance peut aider à réaliser ce projet. Encore un fois nous vous remercions pour votre visite et pour ce concert longtemps attendu, qui est devenu un vrai fête pour les citoyens.Nous vous présentons nos respects,membres du club "Nouveaux horizons",Igor Kisselev - president du club

Adresse électronique : Adresse : Russie, 198328, Saint Pétersbourg, Avenue Kouznetsova, 25-1-141

Игорь Киселёв a dit…

Cher m. Jarre

,Le club des amateurs de la musique électronique "Nouveaux horizons" vous salue au bord de la Neva. Nous sommes très reconnaisantes pour que vous avez mettez la Russie (et notre cité particulièrement) en votre tour. Saint-Petersbourg est un des berceaus de la musique électronique, par ce que c'est ici où le theremin, un instrument unique, a été inventé.Nous sommes heureuses que l'idee de Léon Theremin de la visualisation de la musique se passe dans art d'un bout à l'autre, et un des grands succès c'était le concert à Moscou en 1997.sans doute, une vaste masse du peuple qui ne s'était pas interessé par la musique,sont sous une grande impression jusqu'a maintenant!Nous serons heureuses si vous decidez d'arranger un pareil spectacle ici, à Saint-Petersbourg.Il est convient de noter que 2010 est l'année de la France et de la culture française en Russie, et cette date aussi coincide avec l'anniversaire de Tsarskoe Selo, l'une des plus belles places de Saint-Petersbourg.Cette circonstance peut aider à réaliser ce projet. Encore un fois nous vous remercions pour votre visite et pour ce concert longtemps attendu, qui est devenu un vrai fête pour les citoyens.Nous vous présentons nos respects,membres du club "Nouveaux horizons",Igor Kisselev - president du club

Adresse électronique : Adresse : Russie, 198328, Saint Pétersbourg, Avenue Kouznetsova, 25-1-141

Paes a dit…

I want to thank all the crew who made possible this project, not only JMJ and the three musicians on stage, but also all the people behind the scene. Divers, engineers... THANK YOU ALL.

I'm so sad this tour is over, but at the same time i feel lucky, because i could attend two concerts, one in London and one in my hometown Salamanca. But the best of all is that i met you, JMJ, and you were so polite and now i have one of my three Oxigene albums, signed by you. My best present ever.
Thank you for everything. Best wishes for you, your family and all your crew this Christmast.

Work hard in the Canary Islands project ;P. And, please, keep this blog updated, at leaste once per month. It's so interesitin reading you.

Thank you very much.

C-Jay a dit…

hi jean michel.
funny, i was the one in LINT asking you from the audience if you were going to do smaller shows after teo & tea, to give more people and countries the chance to see you and keep it more intimate...
you said yes to me that day, but that you would do an oxygene tour PLUS the arena world tour after it is even more than you and i expected that day.. hahaha!

anyhow, i have seen you many times live including lint and oxygene tour, and i will 100% sure be in the heineken music hall in amsterdam may 26, 2009....
very, very good choice of venue mate! great soundsystem, and a very good vibe .. i have seen many shows there, and tonight im going there for a dance classics night...

trust me, the whole atmoshphere of the heineken music hall will be destroyed if all places are seats.. please keep it as the designer made it: 2 balconies to sit, and an arena to stand..
all shows i saw there were 1 price tickets: just 1 price for everyone, and you can decide yourself to sit or not...

please please please do it that way, and not all seats... trust me, the heineken music hall is good as it is.. ive been there many times...

see you there, and happy x mass!!

Gregg a dit…

I've been one of those lucky people who had the chance to see your finale in Warsaw. It's really hard to express in simple words how great a show this was. Jean Michel, you took as for a journey through space and beyond and then back to our beloved Earth.

Thank you so much for one of the best days in my life and Merry Christmas to you and all the tour crew!

Cathy a dit…

Congratulations on such a successful tour!!

I've enjoyed my share of the Oxygene you gave us and I'm sure everyone will agree with me, that is was so nice that you took the time to share your stories, and travel adventures with us all. I especially loved the fly on the wall photos :D

Although it is the end of the Oxygene tour, it is the beginning of something else and I really cannot wait for that :D I shall be with you on your UK leg of the World Tour next year, so look out for me and my friends :-) it would be so nice to finally say "hi" and have a chat, but you are often so crowded with other people that I just give you a simple wave and smile! I will keep dreaming and hope it comes true soon! ;-)

Merry Christmas and all my love for the New Year.


Robi a dit…

It is sounds great "world tour"...i'm sure lot of fans are waiting for you in Australia or South America!

MörE a dit…

South American Tour 2009..!!! PLEASEEEE..!!!!

Unknown a dit…

Hello Jean Michel,
Thanks for sharing your tour with your fans. It has been great.
Even better was the news you come to the Heineken Music Hall on mai 26. We will be there. See you then.
Greetings to you and the whole crew who have done such a great job this tour.
Albert Holland

Nina, Anna Ostasiuk a dit…

I'd like to thank you very very very much for your last concert in Warsaw Torwar !!!!!!!!
It was very, very cool
and the best schow how I saw anytime :-)
I'm so sorry for the people who can not to celebrate with you :-(
I hope we see you again in the next year :-)
All your fans in Poland waiting for you and your next CD!!!!!!
I'm very peculiar your next/new CD :-)
ps: it was really, serious very good job and concert !!!!

I wish you good luck on the next years,
Mrry Cristmas and the Happy New Year !!!!!!!

Regards Nina from Wroclaw/Poland :-)

See you Soon !!!!!!!

Grand peck for you Jasiu :-*********

jawalka a dit…

Hi Jean Michel,
I agree with Nina, Anna Ostasiuk :) Please, please come to Poland with your next tour :):):):):)
We will be waiting for you (as always).

To those we love and see each day
and other loved ones far away
To all good friends who mean so much,
and those with whom we're are of touch...
Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy New Year.

Unknown a dit…

Hello JMJ!!!

Congratulations of the great final, It's very nice to heared that you love the polish fans :D
I hope that in the next year you will played in Gdansk too.

greatings from Gdańsk :* and Merry Christmas :D


BioComp a dit…
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BioComp a dit…
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BioComp a dit…

Hi Jean Michel Jarre! Your concert has been absolulty spectacular event. I hope you like our CD Album, Tribute to Oxygene.

Cathy a dit…

Oxygene Concert - Snowman Style :-)

Best wishes!


BioComp a dit…

@CathyUK - LOL :D Jarre in Action ;) Good Photo ;)

EJ1507 a dit…

Quelle belle aventure,
Que de magnifiques photos et anecdotes qui nous ont fais vivre et partager cette tournée.
Un grand bravo à tous.
J'attend la suite avec impatience.
Et pourquoi pas un petit tour de France...

EJ1507 a dit…
Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.
Anonyme a dit…

Hello Jean, I must tell you that I knew some of your music but had no idea about what kind of person you are, I mean your personality. And I was totally amazed since the first seconds I saw you coming from back of the audience! It was a fantastic idea, a really nice surprise especially for those, who were sitting at the back. In general, I loved that you were so happy to be there in Warsaw, that you appreciated us to be there with you the same as we appreciated you to give the concert. And since then I will ever be telling warm things about your person, of course fantastic things about your music by which I got like "infected". Im exploring it more and more now.
Thank you, Jean.

Anonyme a dit…

...and just want to add, that I feel a bit sorry for the audience which could react more vividly to your encouragment to stand up or applaud. But also I guess this could be because people did not really want to "disturb" others to peacefully concume your music and performance. So that could be the only reason, because as I know, people were very happy to be there and were under great impression, which maybe could be not that obviously seen sometimes.
All the best,

Robi a dit…

What a great would be if Michel Greanger could make the artwork for your next album, wouldn't be? ;-)

Unknown a dit…

aaaaah.... :(
I want to be there. I wanna see you. Iran?! no you can't. come there? I can't. I live in the third world and I live in the war but you know, I wanna see you!! I'm in the hope yet! I love your music and I listen to your music every day. and when I see I can't be in your concert and I can't see you, I just say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm 17 years old, but aaaahhhh! :) I really really love your music.

Dominika a dit…

Dear Jean Michel,

I'm 16 and I was backstage with my young brother, maybe you remember :) It was our first concert and the suprise that met us after the show (the chance to be a part of small group that could see you and ask for autographs) was just unbelievable. I want to say, that the show and backstage meeting was the most amazing moments of my entire life. I cried during Oxygene 6... It was so exciting to be there and to feel that atmosphere. Thank you!

PS - it's the coolest pic ever ;) -

Normund a dit…

Thanks for the tour from me, too.
It's been wonderful to share the ground-breaking concept of Oxygene with you and your team. I do look forward to seeing and hearing more concepts from you, including studio recordings.

Also, thanks for sharing your photos, some of them, where the shutter speed is too long to register the shape clearly, an effect much used in photography of nature, really resemble a bird flapping its wings, probably a hummingbird. A bird is associated with freedom. So may you have lots of artistic and spiritual freedom to form into creative music that we all enjoy so much.
Take care!

Anonyme a dit…

I just read from the news that you are coming to finland in May! Thanks for visiting us at last! I'm getting super excited now! \o/

Anna a dit…

Hello, Jean Michel!
So, your East-Europe tour is over. I hope you consider it successful! What you need now is to have a big rest and relax! You see, the fans are very egoistic. They (we) are eager to tear you into pieces, writing “Come to our country! Come to our town! – No, you’d better come to OUR town! – Touch my hand… Give me your autograph… Give me your smile…” But you are not the God, you’re just a human! The world is so big and you are the only one Jean Michel Jarre in it. And maybe sometimes you just want to spend your evening watching football on TV with your cat on your hands and your beer in your glass. But on the other hand, isn’t it your fans’ feedback, that makes you feel happy and inspired for future? I guess we all need this communication! And I will say once again: it’s a great pity they didn’t let the Moscow fans contact with you properly. It is clear from your blog, that in other towns this was not the case. So, maybe next time… Anyway, thank you very much for three concerts in Russia! The words you’ve written about Slovakia, Latvia, Poland are ten times true concerning Russia: devoid of freedom for such a long time, we used to consider your music a symbol of this unreachable freedom. Your music was unavailable on disks in Soviet Union. So, the only way was to copy the tapes on our home tape recorders (can you imagine the quality!?). But we did it, and the cassettes traveled from hand to hand. And now, when 30 years passed, we could see at last, how it really was and how it ought to be. Thank you!
Merry Christmas to you, your family and your friends.
Loving you from Moscow

Robi a dit…

Please JMJ, do your next album which express your true art, since you are artist too, not only a composer. You know how i mean, i like Teo & Tea, also Metamorphoses, but the real concept-art albums are back from 70s-80s and 90s also.
I belive you have found your roots, and it is as much pleasure for us as for you! You, my No1 musician and artist, can do materpieces. Even after some worse period, which of course can happen in everyone's life.

Anonyme a dit…

Great concerts this year!
But it would be nice to know more about the footage from the tour. Will there be a DVD of the tour? And if so, when? I was in Oslo when the tour video started, and it would be nice to see some of it again. It was after all the greatest evening in my life (:

Thank you JMJ

Unknown a dit…

Your posts are always thoughtful and well-researched. Amazing work! Strata Roofing Toledo, OH