Dear all,
Here I am again on the blog. I have been pretty busy since my last message. After the success of the concerts last spring, we started the second leg of the tour because of the demand in different countries. I remember that Oxygene received such a warm feedback from all Eastern Europe. During the Soviet Union times this music was considered somehow as a symbol of freedom... evasion... sounds travelling beyond borders... This is why it was meaningful for me to bring this new Oxygene project in this part of the world.
After Roma which had the freshness of a premiere and Milano which has been really great in its fantastic Arcimboldi Theater, with a great audience (I love Milano!), we started to play in Eastern Europe. Because of the demand, the "problem" is that a concert which I designed for an intimate italian type of theater has to be performed in much bigger arenas. Ljubljiana, Slovenia in a basket-ball arena went very well and the energy was there even if I had a serious problem with the digisequencer before the show. The audience was realy warm and great.
Yesterday night we played in Belgrade in an even bigger arena (10 000 persons). We had to add sound and extra screens which I don't really like for this "analog" project. The concert because of its size and being a saturday night was crazy and "rock'n roll", as the audience was really hot.
This tour is a unique experience. Yesterday for instance, the concert started with a solo sequence of mine very minimalist in a total silence and ended with 10 000 people standing and dancing. It is really moving for me to feel such respect and understanding for a music sometimes quite experimental apart from the more popular songs.
Thanks to everybody!
And now we are in the bus on the road to Bucharest, a 12 hours trip on a rather bumpy road. I am the only one apparently to have slept rather well..
(posted on a mobile phone)

Francis and Dominique having a private lunch in Belgrade
29 commentaires:
I really enjoyed the concert, it was fabulous. Thank you for bringing your magical music to us.Im looking forward for one at a greater place.
Hello Jean-Michel,
Thanks a lot for this new informations. I know that you was wery busy last time. I am your fan from Poland and i can't wait to see you in Warsaw :):):)
I hope, that it will be unforgetable evening. Can you say something about this concert before December?
Best wishes
Kate :)
PS- Sorry if my English is not as goog as it should be.
I was happy to see posters for your concert in Budapest (Nov 12) posted all over town when I visited 2 weeks ago (I'm from Stockholm). Best wishes with the concert!
Hi Jean Michel.
I just find out that you have a little meetin with your fans in Belgrade. I am so sorry, because I didn't know for that, and didn't see you in person. Hope I will see you next time when you come to Belgrade or somewhere on the open air concert.
Best regards from Serbia.
Hello Jean-Michel
I am from Bucharest and i am so happy that i am going to finally see you live tonight. I am 32 years old and i am your fan since i was 14 years old. Thank you very much for including Romania in your tour. See you tonight...
It's so cool to know that you're on the road and that the end of this road is in Poland :) I can't wait for sitting in this 3rd row and listening to those amazing sounds... see ya!
Welcome again Jean Michel. We missed you so much. If possible, tell us something about Canary Islands porject.
Thank you and good luck with the second leg of Oxigene Tour.
Dear Jean Michel,
I am 28 years old and since age of 14 when I have bought my 1st tape with your Revolution album I am listening your music every day.
Congratulation for your intention to continue with Oxygene tour in European Eastern countries. I sow your show two times, first in Zurich on 3rd of May 2008 and second one few days ago in Ljubljana. Both of the two concerts were really beautiful.
Since your indoor shows represented a great experience for me I am looking forward to see you soon in your next outdoor concert in Canary Islands.
Best Regards from Ljubljana.
Dear Jean Michel :)
Thank You very much for fabulous evening in Belgrade and for a chance to hear You in person! I enjoyed every second. Your concert took me back in some other, much happier time and gave me a hope for better future. Music, love, heart and soul - rules! :)
See You soon?
Let the good Lord keep You away from everything negative.
Jelena Jez
Belgrade, Serbia
Dear Jean Michel :)
Thank You very much for fabulous evening in Belgrade and for a chance to hear You in person! I enjoyed every second. Your concert took me back in some other, much happier time and gave me a hope for better future. Music, love, heart and soul - rules! :)
See You soon?
Let the good Lord keep You away from everything negative.
Jelena Jez
Belgrade, Serbia
Hello Jean Michel!
Thank you for last night in Ljubljana, the concert was great, I'm one of the italian boys of that waited for you at the end of night to have your autograph! Thank you very much, and thank to Francis and Claude for their autographs too.
Thank you Fiona for the nice chat in front of the pullman before go to sleep! I heard from her that you, Jean Michel, would like to perform a concert in a bigger Arena here in Italy, and now you confirm me and my friend Fabio (we live near Venice...) accorded with Fiona to take contacts in Italy to make it possible! So we will keep in touch with AeroProduction if we will have good news!
Welcome to Romania! I hope the show will be perfect. I wish I could be there.. but the place is too small for all the romanian fans. We were listening to your music from the beginning and it was one of the most played foreign contemporary music on the radio during the communism. I discovered electronic music through your sounds and I felt it on the snowy mountain tops and within the waves of the sea. Your work is inspiring especially to us the visual artists of Romania. I hope you'll like Romania and enjoy it as much as you can on such a short visit. We're a latin country with deep roots in the french culture also. I guess we can say that you're a modern french influence on some of our culture too :D
Have a great show and au revoir! Maybe the next time I'll get to hear you directly.
Hello Jean-Michel,
Thanks for a great analog experience! It was quite a treat to see all of those amazing vintage legends in one place (especially Arp 2500 with all the lights).
I remember you've introduced the Nord Lead in Budapest concert almost 10 years ago - I own one now.
I saw a couple of clips on YouTube with you meeting fans (Belgrade concert). Not all of us were informed about the gathering so let's hope we can somehow meet with you in person next time.
Querido Jean Michel:
Tuviste un éxito grandioso en el primer tour, y lo vas a tener en el segundo, mas bien creo que lo tendias en cualquier continente Africa,Asia,Oceania etc.El motivo es que para mi tu talento como el que tuvo Mozart(por ejemplo),no tiene fronteras y tu música forma parte ya de la vida de millones de personas. uchas gracias por seguir con este blog.
Lo de las Islas Canarias va a ser algo de restallo(que es como se dice en mi tierra cuando algo va a ser grandioso).
Visita algun dia Asturias te encantará (me brindo a enseñartela). Nada mas muchos éxitos y mucha salud.
the concert tonight ( nov 10th ) was beyond imagination ... i`ve been listening to your music ever since i was an embrio'( if i may exaggerate like this ) ..
thank you so very much that after all these years you , sir , finally came in humble Romania , where fans see you as The GOD ...
in behalf of all romanians , i thank you with all my heart for this extraordinary concert ...
i felt every single sound running though my body ... it was incredible ...too bad time passed so fast ....
I don't have much to say about the concert in Bucuresti, because i'm speechless. WOW!! I'm 24 years old, been listening to your masterpieces since i was a little child, but i never ever thought that i'd see you live. Thank you for the music (as a classic band would say) and hope to see you again soon! It was extraordinary to see you playing/feeling/living the music that you make! Thank you very much for the show!
Oh my, was the concert in Belgrade perfect, or what? I really hope that I'll attend one of your open-air concerts in the near future :)
Best regards from Serbia.
Thanks very much for saturday 8.11.2008. I have 40 year, listen your music from 1978. I see KRAFTWERK 2005, JMR 2008 and waiting DEPECHE MODE 2009 in Belgrade and that is it. Next gigs is Jean Michele Jarre in Belgred on bigest space (over 1 000 000 people). THANKS FOR PASTE YEARS AND FUTURE YEARS
Hi Jean-Michel,
We made a blast with our Meet'n'Greet in Belgrade :)... Really unforgetable. You see, everybody's asking you again for the next Belgrade open-air concert. So, let's hope it happens! The reactions in local media and public are FABULOUS.
I hope you liked it, too... the show and meeting as well. As Jelena said in her message, let the good Lord keep you from all negative.
Warm regards from
Thanks for the awesome concert in Belgrade! Here are some pictures from concert, and review in Serbian: and Hope to see you next year again, as you promised! :)
Dear Jean-Michel,
We would like you to join us in the World Largest Drum Circle on May 9, 2009. The aim of this event is to promote Fair Trade and therefore support artisans and farmers in third world countries. I've been a fan of yours for two decades. I know that your involvement will make this event a huge success. That's why I recommaded you to TransFair and FTRN. For more info about the Fair Trade movement, please visit
Cher Jean-Michel,
Nous voudrons que vous participez avec nous dans le "World Largest Drum Circle" au 9 Mai, 2009. L'evainement est organize par TransFair et FTRN. Prier de contacter moi a Merci bien et bon courage avec votre tour. Allen
Hi, Jean-Michel!
Although, it's been a week since we attended that fabulous concert in the Belgrade Arena, the emotions and reminiscences of that fantastic Saturday night are still present and far from fading! The sound was wonderful, performance superb as always, and the time just flew by! I really hope that we'll see you soon in Belgrade!
Best regards,
Dear Jean-Michel,
I know it has been a week since fantastic concert in Arena in Belgrade, but I feel like it was just a few moments ago. I can remember the amazing atmosphere and the great performance through the whole concert and that is something I will never forget. I hope you will keep your word and come again soon.
Best regards from Serbia.
Cher JMJ,
not any single concert in Serbia has left this deep and long impression on the audience. As you can see from the number of messages here, by the dates they still arrive, and as I know from many people in personal live contact, we're amazed and full of impressions. Not to mention the media coverage, which was still active several days after the concert!
We really hope to see you again here next year...
& Ozone Crew :)
Jean Michel,
Now, after 10 days I'm update my minds and... it was like in dreams, my drems. Thank you for encore and Oxigene part. XIII Come again in Belgrad!
Dear all,
A video is available showing last song (oxygen IV) from the concert in Belgrade.
Best regards from Serbia
P.S.Once again the concert was amazing and good luck with the rest of the tour.
Hi JMJ, hi Sandra, hi everyone,
if somebody'd like to see material from our GREAT meeting with JMJ, here are the links:
:) :) :)
One of the most amazing dayz in my life... THANX JMJ!!!!
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